Info 1. septembril toimuvate aktuste ja klassijuhataja tundide kohta

1. ja 12. klassi aktus toimub 1. septembril kell 12.00 koolimaja saalis.

1.klassi aktusel võib osaleda kuni 2 vanemat. Koolimajja pääseb lapsevanem vaktsineerimistõendi, läbipõdemistõendi (mitte rohkem kui 6 kuud vana) või 72h tagasi tehtud PCR testi negatiivse tulemuse ette näitamisel. Kui tõendeid ei ole, siis pakume võimalust teha koolis tasuta kiirtest.

Ülejäänud klassidel toimuvad 1. septembril aktused õues.

2.-4.klass – kell 9:00

5.-8.klass – kell 14:00

9.-11.klass – kell 14:30

NB! Õpikud saavad õpilased kätte 1. septembril klassijuhataja tunnis. Klassijuhataja tunni kellaaja saadab klassijuhataja.


Open call for teachers – “Visual creativity and Design thinking as tools for young learners in a virtual world”

Call for teachers for trainer-coach position

“Visual creativity and Design thinking as tools for young learners in a virtual world”

LOCATION – Online and offline events in Estonia

 ACTIVITY FIELD – School education. Creativity and digitalization


Participating in 5 online training sessions during the 2021/22 academic year:

  1. September 22.9.2021
  2. October 20.10.2021
  3. November 24.11.2021
  4. February 4.2.2022
  5. March 4.3.2022

Conducting 5 training sessions subsequently on a local level.

Using the new methods in everyday practice, collecting information and sharing methodological data on an ongoing basis during the project period (September 2021 – February 2023).

 APPLICATION DEADLINE – September 3, 2021

 STARTING DATE – September 22, 2021


The current Partnerships for Creativity in the area of school education project is designed to encourage young learners – students, but also teachers, coaches and youth workers to stay creative regardless of where they are: in the classroom, in their usual working environment or at home in isolation

The project aims to integrate arts and creativity to develop digital skills among target groups by means of innovative practices in the digital era; to enable learning opportunities about innovative digital tools, Design Thinking Strategies and Visual Thinking Techniques that make use of and boost their creativity.

The partnership involves 5 organizations from EstoniaFinlandDenmark and Lithuania and it will last 2 years.

You can read more about the project objectives, activities and other important information here.



 In order to create a phenomenal team of 5 coaches who will act as future trainers at national level we invite teachers who are:

–       Primary school, high school or vocational school teachers;

–       Preferably art teachers but also teachers of other subjects are encouraged to apply (math, chemistry, languages, etc);

–       Willing to develop and apply new teaching methods to deliver knowledge;

–       Enthusiastic, flexible and open to innovation;

–       Fluent in English;

–       An advantage would be to have access to the digital drawing tablets (Wacom Intuos Pro PTH-660 or other similar ones).



 The participants are expected to:

–       take part in all of the online training activities and to be actively involved in the learning;

–       apply the gained knowledge in their work, observe the process and collect information for the elaboration of a methodological framework;

–       act as a local trainer and replicate each of the 5 training sessions for a larger group, while being guided by Educraftor and Tartu Art School trainers online;

–       actively use the new methods in their teaching practice and share the new methodology at school level, in various events and conferences at local level;

–       commit to the project activities for the entire project period (September 2021 – February 2023) with a possibility to remain available as a consultant even after the end of the project.

The participants will receive:

–       A training consisting of multiple sessions led by the experts from Educraftor and Tartu Art School;

–       Personal online support from Educraftor and Tartu Art School during the project while conducting the local trainings;

–       A certificate of completing the training courses which formally qualifies the participant as a trainer for VTT and DTS;

–       A payment of 1500 eur for participating in the whole project (paid out in 3 instalments upon delivery of two interim and one final report)



 Tallinna Kunstigümnaasium project team is expecting all candidates corresponding to the described profile with an interest in the project content to send their applications (in English language) consisting of:

  1. The CV of the candidate according to the Europass format
  2. Application form


Info seminar will take place on August 23rd at 13:00. Link to the meeting

 For further questions, please contact the project team: