EERO Youth Newspaper
Project period: 1.06 – 30.11.2019
“EERO Youth Newspaper” project offered time and space to 21 young people altogether aged between 9 and 19 years old, living in Estonia, studying in different schools including TKG, to meet 3 times during a period of four months, in order exchange information on cultural aspects they were representing; to study journalistic basics, and as a result of their meetings, to elaborate a youth newspaper containing materials in more languages, such as: Estonian, Romanian, Russian, English and Italian.
The project was implemented with the financial support of the Youth and Education Board – Harno.
Loe veel
Intercultural learning
The young participants represented 3 cultures: young people with Estonian national background, young people with Moldavian-Romanian background, born in Estonia, but having routes in Republic of Moldova or Romania, or who moved to Estonia some time ago, and currently are living and studying here on a permanent basis; and young people born in Estonia, but with Russian national background and language.
Project activities
Youth Meeting no.1 11-16 of August 2019, Kloogaranna Noortelaager
- Introduction to project idea, aims and expectations. Discussion of organizational moments.
- Games and non-formal learning methods in order to get to know each other and start communication.
- Intercultural learning activities and games, cultural evenings and presentations.
- Introduction to basics of written journalism. Workshop with a journalist from
- Introduction to In-Design Program workshop with a leading graph desiner in Estonia.
- Practical work on conceiving, and elaborating own newspaper.
- Planning of second meeting.
Youth Meeting no.2 took place in Tallinn in two parts:
- 27-30 of September, Estonian National Library and Mondo Room in Telliskivi Loomelinnak
- 4-6 of October, Mondo Room at Telliskivi Loomelinnak
The program of the second meeting included:
- Planning the meeting and the activities.
- Planning the youth newspaper “Vana Laud” no.2.
- In-Design training, part II with the graph designer.
- City game activities in order to get to know the Telliskivi and Balti Jaam area, to practice communication and journalistic skills.
- Visit to Postimees Junioor newspaper, tour of Kanal 2 and 12 TV studios.
- Working on journalistic materials and on online channels: FB page, blog.
- Visit to ETV studios.
- Finishing the work on the second issue of newspaper, working in teams and on materials according to the plan.
Youth Meeting no.3, 22-25 of November, Suvemäe Kool, Tallinn
For the purpose of the final meeting, were invited students from Democratic School “Suvemäe Kool”. During this time following activities took place:
- Getting to know each other games for the old and new participants.
- Planning of the meeting.
- Insights on the topic: “Press Conference”. Planning the press conference.
- Role play activity: Press Conference.
- Discussion of ideas and future possible projects.
- Celebration of the project ending. Certificates of participation.
For the purpose of the project, a partnership between Tallinna Kunstigümnaasium and Moldovan-Romanian Community in Estonia Casa Mare NGO was established.
Project results
Vana Laud no.1
Vana Laud no.2
Vana Laud no. 3