- Preparatory Visit
- Development of the Strategic plan and Scenarios
- Video creation (6 videos)
- Workshops for parents (5 work sessions)
- Festival of different cultures (in each partner school)
- Elaboration of workshop guidelines and support materials
The participants:
- are better involved in school and community life,
- understand and integrate into the local school system, thus feeling included in the decision-making processes,
- know how to support and to understand their child at home,
- cooperate with the teachers and school staff to support their child,
- cooperate with other parents and benefit from an intercultural learning activity.
A support material containing workshop guidelines and videos will be elaborated for public use.
Project results
As a result of the project, we conducted workshops for parents to introduce school working style; Filmed videos imitating the incidents happening at school and in lives of the young and based the workshops on them; Big portion of workshops were given in French, German and Estonian languages as the way to develop parents’ local language. The videos were produced in the same three languages with English subtitles. Project partner schools produced six videos around the topic: language immersion, supporting children at home, social media bullying, screen addiction, mobbing, why do children lie at home. Based on the videos, the workshops for the parents were conducted. There were six videos produced about the topics: ‘’Why do children lie at home’’, ‘’Social media bullying’’, ‘’Screen addiction’’, two videos about ‘’Supporting children at home’ ‘’ Supporting children during language immersion ‘’Mobbing’’.
The video presentation, workshops based on the topic, and discussions around them received positive feedback from the parents and asked to include their children in the meetings. The videos gave understanding to the viewer what might happen in lives of children and with the guidance of the psychologist, they learned how to manage incidents and support the young. Furthermore, parents found workshops and the discussions to be very beneficial for them and their children and asked these meetings to continue and cover other problematic or important topics. The workshops are through to have created feeling of belongingness in parents as they started to actively participate in the intercultural events (Festival of cultures).
The products were used to achieve results such as: increased expat family involvement in school life introduction, they started to better be understanding of how to support children at home, ways to manage screen addiction and prevention from social media harassment. Due to the thorough work with parents, they requested continuation of the supportive workshops around the same core topics.
The project was beneficial for the parents and participant schools. Our focus grew into more inclusiveness of the families and when planning events, the focus is on encouraging expat families to integrate through celebrating their own culture and bringing the best to the community.
The objectives set in the project were successfully achieved and furthermore, they will be of a continuum. Partner schools purchased the support materials (books) to gain further knowledge in the topics such as supporting and understanding the teenager, solving conflict between the young, mental health, etc. It became clear for the partner schools that the support for the parents is vital for creating the positive environment at school.
Materials for the future use: six video materials and one strategic plan with guidance on workshop facilitation:
Video materials:
Projekti tulemused
Projekti tulemusel korraldasime lapsevanematele töötubasid, et tutvustada kooli tööstiili; Filmitud videod jäljendasid koolis ja noorte elus toimuvaid juhtumeid ning töötoad põhinesid neil; Suur osa töötubadest toimus prantsuse, saksa ja eesti keeles, et arendada vanemate kohalikku keeleoskust. Videod tehti samuti kolmes keeles ingliskeelsete subtiitritega. Nende põhjal viidi vanematele läbi töötoad. Teemade kohta toodeti kuus videot: “Miks lapsed kodus valetavad”, “kiusamine sotsiaalmeedia “, “Ekraanisõltuvus”, “Kuidas toetada last kodus õpimises, “Laste toetamine keelekümbluses”, “Kiusamine”.
Videoesitluses, teemadel põhinevates töötubades ja nende ümber toimuvates aruteludes sai positiivset tagasisidet lapsevanematelt, kes palusid lapsi rohkem kaasata. Videod andsid vaatajale arusaama sellest, mis võib juhtuda laste elus. Psühholoogi juhendamisel õppisid nad, kuidas juhtumeid hallata ja noori toetada. Lisaks leidsid vanemad, et töötoad ja arutelud olid nende ja nende laste jaoks väga kasulikud. Nad palusid neid kohtumisi jätkata ja käsitleda teisi probleemseid või olulisi teemasid. Töötubades arvati, et lapsevanemad võiksid hakata aktiivsemalt osalema interkultuurilistel sündmustel (kultuuride festival), luues kuuluvustunde.
Töötubades jõuti tulemusteni: suurenenud osalus välismaalaste pere koolielu tutvustamisel, parem arusaamine laste toetamisest kodus, viisid tegelemiseks sõltuvusega ekraanist ja ennetada sotsiaalmeedia kiusamist. Lapseanemad palusid selliste tõhusate töötubade jätkamist aktuaalsete põhiteemade ümber.
Projekt oli kasulik nii vanematele kui ka osalevatele koolidele. Meie fookus laienes perekondade rohkemale kaasamisele ning sündmuste planeerimisel keskenduti välismaalaste perede julgustamisele integreeruda, tähistades nende enda kultuuri ja tuues parimat kogukonnale.
Projektis seatud eesmärgid saavutati edukalt ja jätkatakse nendega. Partnerkoolid ostsid tugi- ja mõistmismaterjale (raamatuid), et saada lisateadmisi teemadel nagu teismelise toetamine ja mõistmine, noorte konfliktide lahendamine, vaimne tervis jne. Partnerkoolidele sai selgeks, et vanemate toetus on koolis positiivse keskkonna loomiseks oluline.
Materjalid edaspidiseks kasutamiseks: kuus videomaterjali ja üks strateegiline plaan koos juhistega töötubade läbiviimise hõlbustamiseks:
Video materjalid: